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Women's Walk in the woods (learning from each other)

Sun, Sep 29


Iowisota Retreat and Education Center

Sunday afternoon, 2:00-4:00 pm. This is a free once-per-month guided hike for women. Topic will be dependent on what is currently happening in the forest. The format will be informal, so that we can all learn from each other and enjoy a chance to be out together in nature.

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Women's Walk in the woods (learning from each other)
Women's Walk in the woods (learning from each other)

Time & Location

Sep 29, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Iowisota Retreat and Education Center, 2472 IA-26, Lansing, IA 52151, USA


About the event

This is a monthly opportunity to go on a hike in the woods with "the girls" and learn from each other.  Location will usually be Iowisota (but might vary over time). Topic will be dependent on what is currently happening in the forest, and what participants are interested in. The format will be informal, so that we can all learn from each other and enjoy a chance to be out together in nature.  We'll probably spend up to two hours on a hike, but can vary the time depending on participants interest and schedule. We'll try to keep our group to under 15 people. There is no charge.

Note that I've been exploring timeframes for these hikes. I started with Thursday afternoons "after work", but it is hard to fit in one more thing during a workweek. So I am trying Sunday afternoon. Hopefully some of you will be able to take a break, go for a hike with us, and be refreshed for the new week ahead!

Why a "womens" hike??  Linda has been involved in the Minnesota Womens Woodland Network ( for many years, and learned the power and joy of women sharing knowledge of the outdoors with each other. We can capture a similar experience here. Don't worry men, there will be other opportunities when we'll welcome you.

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